Cassette Collars and Air Deflectors for Air Conditioning units come in a range of colours and sizes to compliment your current set-up.
Protec UK are a leading suppliers of Cassette Collars and Air Deflectors in the UK and are used in many sites including Offices, Restaurants and Homes.
You will find that Air conditioning units are now featured in most offices and public buildings. This is mainly due to Health and Safety regulations within the workplace regarding working environments that have made them an integral part of the office.
Cassette Collars
The Collars can make your Air Conditioning Unit look much more aesthetically pleasing as well as being a practical way of filling in the gap around the unit which may be visible.
Available in marine grade Fibreglass in a selection of RAL colours or Stainless Steel.
Air Deflectors
These are an accessory for your current Air Conditioning unit and help deflect the air too or away from an area.
COVID-19 Update
Cassette Collars is open as normal. All production is carried out to UK government guidelines.